
Medical Malpractice Insurance covers any situation in which a medical professional causes injury to a patient, through an act of negligence or a failing on their part. A patient can also make a claim if their circumstance includes a lack of aftercare. Medical professionals make a promise to deliver a duty of care and if it is not believed standards were met, a claim for negligence can be made. It is, however, worth noting that an individual must have suffered an injury as a consequence of the neglect and there must be evidence to suggest the injury happened as a result of Medical Malpractice.
Medical liability insurance provides indemnity for medical professionals in cases of Medical Malpractice. Every medical professional makes important decisions daily that impact their patients’ health, which puts them at risk of legal action as a result of mistakes that may have been made and claims of Medical Malpractice can consequently be brought against them. In order to be protected, all licensed medical professionals should have the correct insurance policy to protect themselves and their business in cases of MedMal claims brought against them. Medical Malpractice insurance for doctors and Medical Malpractice insurance for surgeons is an integral part of business as they are professions largely at risk of MedMal claims.
Aesthetic Insure are a specialist, Ireland-based insurance broker providing Medical Malpractice insurance for surgeons, doctors and other medical professionals. Our expertise covers a wide range of areas including not only aesthetics but specialist surgery and consultancy work. We have policies to suit every individual, brand and sector and will work to create the right insurance plan for your needs. The right insurance plan can protect yourself, your business, your premises and your staff.
What is Medical Malpractice Insurance?
Do I need Medical Malpractice insurance?
Why should I use Aesthetic Insure?
What do Aesthetic Insure cover?
What kind of insurance do I need?
The level of insurance you need depends on your individual circumstance; whether you are an Independent Practitioner, a Clinic or Training School and if you would like your Clinic and its Contents covered. Receive a personalised quote by emailing or by completing our online form today.
Who can use Aesthetic Insure?
Here at Aesthetic Insure, we are an Irish Insurance Broker, providing a service for medical practitioners and cosmetic surgeons based in the Republic of Ireland. We can also provide a service for surgeons based in the EU who have previously been serviced by a UK-based aesthetic insurer pre Brexit.